Psoriasis consultation

Psoriasis Consultation

Patient details

Please complete the consultation as accurately as possible.

Are you completing the consultation for yourself?
Have you been diagnosed this condition by a GP or dermatologist?
When was your psoriasis last reviewed by your doctor?

Please see your GP at your earliest convenience for longterm management of psoriasis.

What type of psoriasis do you have?

It is a medical emergency and can be life-threatening. Please seek medical attention immediately.

Do you have any other medical conditions, including skin conditions?
Are you taking any other prescription-only medicines, over-the-counter medicines, alternative medicines or recreational drugs?
Do you have any known allergies?
Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to have baby?
Are you currently registered with a UK GP practice?

Photo upload

Please upload at least 2 photos of affected areas - one close-up and the other from distance.

Please do not upload photos of private parts.

By uploading photographs you are consenting to store your photos securely in your medical records.