NHS online pharmacy Gorleston Great Yarmouth Norfolk

Providing NHS Services

Sexual Health Services

Free Morning After Pill

Online Chemist offers FREE morning after pill (emergency hormonal contraception) to any female over the age of 13.

The supply of morning after pill (Levonorgestrel 1500mg Tablet) done under patient group direction (PGD), so no prescription needed. Also, you don’t need an appointment – just walk in. Call Online Chemist for more information on 01493 600610.

If aged under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult/parent OR must satisfy Fraser Guidelines (Gillick competent).

morning after pill from OnlineChemist in Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
Levonorgestrel tablet 1.5mg morning after pill online chemist Gorleston

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Free morning after pill online chemist, a NHS pharmacy in Gorleston
The c-card scheme provides access to free condoms in a variety of places for young people from the age of 13 to 24 years. Whatever your gender or sexual orientation, this scheme aims to help you:
Image result for c card
  • Make the right CHOICES regarding relationships
  • Get free CONDOMS to prevent unplanned pregnancies and reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • Get tested for CHLAMYDIA and other STIs
  • Understand the types of CONTRACEPTION available

The law - consent

The law says that a young person can use a sexual health service or get treatment at any age without their parent’s permission as long as they are what is called Fraser Competent and understand what they are doing. 

The age of consent in England and Wales for people of any sexual orientation is 16. For more details click here.

If a young person is under 13 the law says they cannot consent to having sex. Having sex with anyone under 13 is rape even if they consent. 

morning after pill