Earwax removal clinic Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

Earwax removal
ear syringing.

Single ear: £40
Both ears: £60

At Online Chemist in Gorleston, we offer a professional and safe solution for earwax removal through the use of gentle ear syringing using warm water.
Our pharmacist is specially trained to perform ear cleaning and irrigation procedures with expertise and care.

Ear too much waxy?
Are you looking for an emergency ear syringing?

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01493 600610

Private earwax removal by ear syringing at OnlineChemist in Gorleston Great Yarmouth

What is earwax build-up?

Ear wax (or Cerumen)  is produced by the glands in the ear canal. It is an integral part of the ear’s natural defence because it has natural lubricating properties and contains an anti-bacterial agent to help prevent infections. Because ear wax is sticky and moist, it helps to trap foreign bodies and debris.

Wax only forms in the outer third of the ear canal and usually slowly works its way out of the ear, bringing debris with it (natural cleaning system for the ear).

The most recognisable symptom of earwax build-up is a partial loss of hearing, but other symptoms include itching, coughing, ringing, fullness and sometimes pain.

Earwax should only be removed by trained professionals. At Online Chemist Gorleston, we have trained ear care specialist who removes ear wax by ear syringing.

What are the symptoms of blocked ear?​

The symptoms of a blocked ear include:

  • Hearing loss or can not hear
  • Pain
  • Muffled hearing
  • Fullness or feeling like the ear has something blocking it
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Itching in or around the ear

Seek medical attention if you experience the above symptoms. GP, nurse, or pharmacist will look in with an otoscope and see if the ear canal is open or clogged. Our pharmacist is a trained and experienced ear care specialist; contact us at Online Chemist Gorleston to book an urgent appointment.

What causes excess earwax?

Some people naturally produce a lot of ear wax. Some other factors that contribute an excess earwax production include:

  • having narrow ear canal
  • hairy ear canal
  • earwax production increases and becomes drier with age
  • bony growths in the outer part of the ear canal
  • frequently inserting an object into the ear canal such as cotton buds, earplugs, matches, hair grips, crochet hooks, knitting needles, and keys can irritate the sensitive skin inside the ear triggering even more wax production.
  • Dry skin, eczema or psoriasis
Ear syringing in Gorleston at Online Chemist

Are you looking for an emergency ear syringing?

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01493 600610

What is the best treatment for earwax?

There are several different earwax removal treatments available.

Over-the-counter ear drops

Ear drops or softening agents are used several times a day for several days to soften the earwax so that they fall out by themselves. Please read the following section for details about softening drops.

You can buy olive oil ear drops or other ear softening agents from any pharmacy or online from OnlineChemist.

Self-irrigation / small bulb syringe

A small bulb syringe allows you to remove earwax by squirting the warm water gently into the ear. Then tilt your head so the water can fall out. Wiggle the outer part of the ear to help the water and wax come out. You can repeat the procedure if required. See the video attached.

If you get any pain or the bulb syringing is unsuccessful, get advice from a practice nurse or pharmacist.

You can buy a bulb syringe or other earwax removal kits from most pharmacies or online. If you are not comfortable removing earwax at home, contact us on 01493 600610 to book an earwax removal appointment.


A small device is used to perform microsuction, which sucks the earwax out of your ear. Many people complain of pain during and after microsuction, some find it uncomfortable and noisy. 

Ear syringing / irrigation

Earwax removal by ear syringing is one of the best ways to remove earwax. A trained ear care specialist such as a pharmacist or a nurse performs this. An electric pump pushes water into your ear and washes the earwax out. Ear syringing is painless; your ear may feel strange as the water is sprayed around your ear canal.

Before ear syringing, you need to use wax softening agents such as olive oil ear drops (pharmaceutical grade). This will reduce the risk of the procedure and increase the likelihood of successful wax removal.

At Online Chemist, we offer private earwax removal service by ear syringing. Trouble hearing? Book an urgent ear syringing appointment today!

treatment earwax ear syringing Gorleston onlinechemist

How to use bulb syringe to remove earwax?

How to use earwax softening oil?

An oil product that softens earwax need to use for at least five days to soften the wax sitting in the ear canal.

The primary ear wax removal drops are olive oil, almond oil, sodium bicarbonate oil, baby oil, mineral oil, salt water or hydrogen peroxide drops. They are used to soften the clogged earwax.

However, our recommendation is to use olive oil ear drops 2 to 3 drops 3 to 4 times a day for five days.

How to use olive drop?

  • Olive oil should be at room temperature. 
  • Lie on your side with the most affected ear uppermost
  • Pull the outer ear gently backwards and upwards to straighten the ear canal
  • Put 2-3 drops of olive oil into the affected ear(s) and gently massage just in front of the ear
  • Stay laying on your side to allow the wax to soak in for around 5 mins, and then wipe away any excess oil
  • Do not leave cotton wool at the entrance to the ear
  • Repeat the procedure with the opposite ear if necessary
olive oil ear drops online chemist Gorleston

Olive Oil Ear Drops 10ml

Ear wax candle:
Does it removes earwax?

A hollow, lit candle is inserted into the ear canal in the ear candling method. The heat produced from the flame will create a vacuum seal, causing the earwax to adhere to the candle.

However, research has shown that the ear candling ear wax removal method does not work, resulting in further injuries, including burn injury, ear canal obstructions, and eardrum perforations.

Therefore, earwax removal by using an ear candle is not a recommended treatment.

Is ear syringing available on the NHS?

Does GP do earwax removal?

Ear wax removal is no longer funded by the NHS.

The UK government previously confirmed that people suffering from a build-up of ear wax would not be entitled to have their ears syringed on the NHS in England.

Many GP surgeries have now stopped carrying out earwax removal services. 

How much does ear syringing cost?

We offer a private ear syringing clinic at OnlineChemist, Middleton Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth. NR31. We won’t be able to do the ear syringing at patients’ homes or residential care homes.

Ear examination & consultation: £15
Single ear: £40
Both ears: £60
Please note that there is no ear examination or consultation fee if we carry out ear syringing.

How to book:
Call us on 01493 600610 to book an appointment.

After care: What should I do after ear syringing?

  • Earwax naturally protect the ear canal. When all the ear wax is removed by syringing, the ear canal becomes vulnerable to infection. Until the ear produces more wax to protect the canal, keep the ear(s) dry from water for a minimum of four or five days after ear syringing.
  • To keep the ears dry, use earplugs or cotton wool coated in petroleum jelly into the outer part of the ear canal(s) during the shower, bathing or swimming to make a protective seal. 
  • Seek medical attention promptly in unlikely events of any pain or discharge or dizziness post-procedure.
  • The ear canal cleans itself. Therefore, cleaning with other implements such as cotton buds is not necessary. 
  • Instead, a dry tissue or alcohol-free, non-perfumed wipes can be used around and behind the ear after showering or bathing to maintain regular cleanliness.
  • In events of excessive wax formation, two to three drops of olive oil can be used in each ear canal once or twice weekly.

Are you looking for an emergency earwax removal?

01493 600610

How to prevent excessive ear wax build-up?

Ear wax is produced inherently to protect your ear canal. Earwax guards the ear canal against dust, bacteria, and other germs from entering and damaging the ear.

Our recommendation is to use 2 to 3 drops of olive oil in each ear once or twice weekly. This will help ear wax to fall out on its own and prevent excessive earwax build-up.

Earwax removal consent form

To safely remove any wax present within the ear canal, it is important that the clinician is made fully aware of anything which may have a bearing on the procedure. Please answer the questions in the consent form to the best of your knowledge.

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