Practice Leaflet
Online Chemist
We are “distance selling” or internet pharmacy. As an online pharmacy, Online Chemist offers a wide range of services for you and your family, wherever you live in England, but you are not permitted to access the pharmacy in person for any Essential services. All Essential services are provided in a non-face-to-face way, ie telephone, website, delivery and email. We are registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council and have a pharmacist available throughout normal operating hours.
We provide the following NHS services on behalf of: NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT. England. Email:, Phone: 0300 311 22 33
We dispense NHS prescriptions and deliver anywhere in England and will give advice on how to get the most benefit from your medicines. We keep a comprehensive stock of medicines to enable us to fill all prescriptions promptly. We do not provide this service face-to-face, but will deliver your medicine to you instead. This includes the electronic prescription service if we are nominated as your pharmacy.
Repeat Dispensing
We can also dispense NHS repeat dispensing prescriptions issued by your doctor. Ask us for more information about this service.
Medicine Containers
All medicines are dispensed in child resistant containers unless you ask us not to. Please remember: keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children. Our pharmacist can advise you on safe storage of medicines.
Unwanted Medicines service
Please contact us if you have any unwanted medicines that you need to return to the pharmacy where we will dispose of them safely.
Health Advice and Self-care
The pharmacist and our trained assistants are available for advice on all medicines and minor ailments, via our website or telephone. We can also give you advice on how to live a healthy life, for example, advice on how to stop smoking or healthy diets. We can direct you to other sources of advice and assistance if we cannot help you ourselves.
We can direct you to providers of services that we do not provide at our pharmacy. See the website or ask for details.
Promotion of Health Lifestyles
We can provide advice on how to make your lifestyle healthier and seek to identify ways that we can assist you to achieve healthier living. We also take part in Public Health Campaigns.
Patient Medication Records
Our computer allows us to keep records of all your prescriptions dispensed by us. This helps us check for possible problems, such as reactions between medicines and will help us deal with any queries you may have. We comply with the Data Protection Act and the NHS code of practice on confidentiality. If you want to discuss the records we keep, please contact the pharmacist - Phone: 01493 600610 Email: Website:
Medicines Sales
We keep a wide range of medicines and vitamins and mineral supplements and can give online/ telephone advice on best use of these.
Emergency Supplies
If you need one of your regular medicines in an emergency when you are unable to contact your doctor, we may be able to help. We must stress that this can only be done in genuine emergencies and it may incur a charge. Please contact us for more details. Your doctor can also contact us to request an urgent supply of medicines for you.
Comments, Suggestions, Complaints and Compliments
Our aim is to give the highest possible standard of service. We would like you to tell us what you think about the service we provide from this pharmacy.
If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints, or would like to know more about the services we offer, please telephone or email using the contact details at the end of this leaflet.
We welcome any general comments about the services we provide and any suggestions of ways in which we can improve our services to you.
We operate a complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints. Our system meets national criteria. Our Pharmacist/Complaints Manager will give you further information.
You can also complain directly to NHS England (details above).
Our staff work hard to provide you with the best possible service. Please treat them with the courtesy and respect they deserve.
The pharmacy is not obliged to serve violent or abusive customers.
Nomaz Limited T/A Online Chemist,
82 Middleton Road, Gorleston,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
NR31 7AH.
Phone: 01493 600 610
The internet pharmacy premises are not open to the public to visit in person. All our services are provided online, by phone, or by post. Pharmacist is available Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm. The Web site is accessible 24/7.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday : 9am to 5pm When the pharmacy is closed, if you urgently need medical help or advice, but it's not a life-threatening situation, contact NHS 111, by calling 111. Information can also be accessed at
Your Pharmacist
Obaidullah Zaman
BPharm MPharm PGDip MRPharmS
This pharmacy is owned by
Nomaz Limited T/A Online Chemist
82 Middleton Road, Gorleston,
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
NR31 7AH